Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Alexandre Vigneau - Maître D'oeuvre
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Besne, France
No reviews yet.
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Bürgeramt Erfurt
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Erfurt, Germany
Cosmin Ursu
Einwohnermelde Amt
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Zerbst/Anhalt, Germany
Stadt Schwabach (Melde-, Pass- Und Zulassungsstelle)
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Schwabach, Germany
Marcus Königer
Sehr freundlich und unkompliziert - die pandemiebedingte Terminvereinbarung funktioniert sehr gut und es kommt zu nahezu keiner Wartezeit.
Stadtverwaltung Genthin
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Genthin, Germany
Reimar Porrini
Freundliche Angestellte
Bürgerservice Rudolstadt
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Rudolstadt, Germany
Nithish Sirangi
Colourful and cultural
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Gramme-Aue
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Großrudestedt, Germany
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Bremen, Germany
Dragos Alexandru Paun
Extremely unprofessional service that we have to pay from our hard earned taxes. The people there work against the system and the citizen and today's ...
Kreisstadt Siegburg
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Siegburg, Germany
youklip 537
Unsympathische, Unfreundlich und nicht Hilfsbereit Sacharbeiter. Schlechteste Kreis aller Zeiten. Ich habe 145!! mal das Straßenverkehrsamt angeruf...
Bürgerbüro - Stadt Emmerich Am Rhein
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
Sergio Pizzi
Personale qualificato, gentilissimo e preparato. Nessun tempo di attesa, organizzazione perfetta. Grazi mille.
Bürgeramt Hansestadt Lüneburg
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Lüneburg, Germany
Manuela Pohl
Alles perfekt geklappt Hygienemaßnahmen werden eingehalten Freundliche Mitarbeiter
Contrôle Des Habitants
Sottens, Switzerland
Camden Courtyards
London, United Kingdom
Administration Communale (Habitants, Uei, Rpp)
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Porrentruy, Switzerland
Eva and Paul BRIGHT
Very helpful and they speak English by The Grace of God !
Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Michael Schmitt
Facile, sympa ! Les préposées au contrôle des habitants sont très arrangeantes
Residents' Civic Registry
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Ecublens, Switzerland
Guillem López
Very efficient
Einwohneramt Kanton Basel-Stadt
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Basel, Switzerland
Julien Dyminski
I can only say good things about this place. All the people I interacted with there were very courteous, professional, and efficient! Come prepared wi...
Aom Diag, Diagnostic Immobilier Le Havre
Le Havre, France
Doriana Masip
Réactif et efficace, parfait ! Je recommande !
Immo'diag - Diagnostics Immobiliers
Soustons, France
Sébastien Loustau a su se rendre disponible pour s'ajuster à nos contraintes. A réalisé un diagnostic précis et complet. Tarifs ajustés et justifiés.
Palazzo Della Congregazione
Casalmaggiore, Italy
Caf Caronno
Caronno Pertusella, Italy
Daniele Marfella
Condivido quanto detto dagli altri utenti: incapaci e fannulloni. Assolutamente sconsigliato.
Einwohnerkontrolle Schaffhausen
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Cristiana Infeliz
Não vejo forças de vontade pra ajudar,péssimo trabalho
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Stein, Germany
Manuel Álvarez
I am disappointed with this office. more than 20 days have passed and not a reply. just excuses
Municipality Winterthur Residents
Winterthur, Switzerland
Cro Dalmatia
Very expeditious and efficient service...;)
Rathaus Hemmoor
Hemmoor, Germany
Stadt St.Gallen, Bevölkerungsdienste
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Jagpreet Singh Alang
Very friendly and helpful staff, speaks multilanguage..
Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Kompetentes und hilfsbereites Personal. Danke
Biuro Obsługi Mieszkańców Nr 1
Gdańsk, Poland
Teresa Adam
Bardzo ciężko się dodzwonić w godzinach pracy zakładu. Wielokrotno zgłaszano problemy techniczne, dotyczące ogrzewania. Niestety nie można było liczy...
Quittner & Schimek S.R.O.
Nová Paka, Czechia
Chalonnes-sur-Loire, France
Auditherm 49
Partenaire avec qui nous travaillons depuis plusieurs années. Sérieux, disponible et toujours de bons conseils.
Einwohnerdienste, Migration Und Fremdenpolizei (Emf)
Trustfeed Score 2.2
Bern, Switzerland
Dannong Wu
I think I have received good results and services when I anything to ask or deal with. Until now. The good Employees and services need to be encourage...
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Grasse, France
Bernard Lyan
Très bon électricien, professionnel, bon conseil, respect des budgets et des délais, et efficace
Contrôle Des Habitants De Commugny
Commugny, Switzerland
Office De La Population
Echallens, Switzerland
Stadtverwaltung Zug
Zug, Switzerland
Iris Rosenberg
Für den herzlichen Empfang danke ich Frau Lieschke sehr!!! Äusserst freundlich und ungemein sympatisch!
Saint-Saphorin, Switzerland
Consuel Rennes - Nord Ouest
Rennes, France
Einwohnerkontrolle/ Gemeindebüro
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Baar, Switzerland
Nouzonville, France
Mélodie Brichet
Un contrôle diagnostique au top. Avec une personne de très bon conseils. Ca change des rapports envoyé sans explications. Prix compétitif rapidité et...
J-C Cordiez Architecte Expert-Bâtiment
Aix-en-Provence, France
Philippe Robin
Monsieur Cordiez est intervenu deux fois dans le cadre d'expertise de fissures préoccupantes dans un appartement. A chaque fois il a pris le temps d...
Einwohnerkontrolle Brugg
Brugg, Switzerland
zoran petrovic
Sehr Hilfsbereit ,alle sind sehr Nett und sehr Kompetent!!! Danke!!!
C.Réf Bâti-Contrôle
Lyon, France
Nidau, Switzerland
Roma, Italy
Genio Civile
Udine, Italy
Città Di Locarno - Ufficio Controllo Abitanti
Locarno, Switzerland
Pasportnyy Stol G. Pushkino
Registry Office
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
heedkoo nartuum
Sehr inkompetentes Einwohneramt. Trotz 2 facher Nachfrage wurden uns die falschen Informationen resp. gar keine Informationen mitgeteilt. Wichtige In...
Stadtverwaltung Dübendorf
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Dübendorf, Switzerland
Cloudia Chen
Nice and convenient for children
Dietikon, Switzerland
Dejan Poparic
Sladja is the best
Garding, Germany
Altstätten, Switzerland
Urs Scheiwiler
Äusserst freundliche Bedienung, sehr kompetent.
Gemeindeverwaltung Egg Bei Zürich
Egg, Switzerland
Martin Blunschi
Die Liegenschaft Drittenberg 1 im Ortsteil Esslingen ist in einem maroden Zustand und eine Investition lohnt sich nicht mehr, meint der Gemeinderat i...
Amt Für Sport Zug
Appenzell, Switzerland
Zell am See, Austria
Natcha Residence Soi Sukjai Sukhumvit40-42
Khlong Toei, Thailand
수유2동 주민센터
Trustfeed Score 3.5
동사무소에요 주민이 필요할때 항상 있어요
응암1동 주민센터
h aru
새로이 지은 건물과 친절한 직원분들 여러 편의시설, 다양한 강좌까지 좋아요 주차공간은 협소한 편입니다.
성산2동 주민센터
구산동 주민센터
jay Kim
구산동의 유래를 알수 있게 표지석이 세워진것이 좋았다. 한번쯤 읽어볼수 있는 위치에 역사와 유래를 자세하게 설명한것이 좋은거같다. 주차장도 주민센터바로앞에 있어서 좋았고(외부시,도에서 온 차량은 끝자리번호제를운영) 주차자리도 넓어서 좋았어요.화장실때문에 들어갔는데 바...
독산2동 주민센터
주민들이이용할수있는공간이많습니다휴계실운동시설 까페휴계실
대림3동 주민센터
Trustfeed Score 2.0
‘아뇨 뚱이에요
궁금해서 하나 물어봅니다. 제가 해외 에서 영주권 때문에 어떠한 서류를 필요로 해 어머니에게 스캔 해서 제 이메일로 보내 달라고 부탁을 했었는데 이쪽 동사무서에서 스캔 및 이메일로 보내줄수 없다고 만 하시는데 이게 해줄수없는게 맞는지 참고로 저희 어머니 나이가 있으셔...
응봉동 주민센터
휘경1동 주민센터
3층에는 정보화교육장이있습니다 컴퓨터와 스마트폰 배우기 좋아요..
수유3동 주민센터
공무원을 만나고 오면 늘 기분이 안좋습니다. 오늘 재난지원금 신청차 방문했는데 묻는 말에 대답도 없고 동의란에 제가 실수로 체크를 안했는데 안내도 없이 지가 맘대로 체크해버림. 우리나라 공무원제도 개선해서 일못하면 내보내야 합니다. 구청장님이랑 센터장이 누구냐에 따라...
상계10동 주민센터
독산1동 주민센터
직원들이 하나도 안친절해요
곡선동 주민센터
Lyngby Boligselskab Afdeling Fortunen
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
M, Amerian
Hej søge bolige i lynby tak
Redbud Estates
Anderson, United States
Jami Orman
Havent bought anything yet..but have been VERY respected and shown a lot more than I expected! Cant wait to live here!
Gemeindeverwaltung Hinwil
Hinwil, Switzerland
Thomas Homberger
Das Versklavungs und enteignungsamt.
Stadtverwaltung Wetzikon
Wetzikon, Switzerland
Mark Bo
Üblicher Behördenwahnsinn, nach Abmeldung wurde mitgeteilt, dass eUmzug jetzt nicht mehr möglich sei \u200d️ Vielleicht vorinformieren.
Gemeindeverwaltung Saas-Grund
Saas-Grund, Switzerland
Gemeindekanzlei Schötz
Schötz, Switzerland
Gemeindeverwaltung Zollikofen
Zollikofen, Switzerland
Emilia Kike
Sehr nette Dame an der Rezeption.
Gemeindeverwaltung Oetwil Am See
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Oetwil am See, Switzerland
Gemeinde oetwil am see kann man nicht verwechseln, steueramt arbeitet unprofessionell und unfreundlich... das passt zu oetwil am see... personal wech...
Gemeindeverwaltung Bauma
Bauma, Switzerland
Hans-peter Rüegg
Sehr nettes und kondenfreundliches Personal
도화동 주민센터
주차장이 편리하고 저렴합니다 지하, 도화공영주차장
Yongsan-2-Ga-Dong Community Center
Yongsan-gu, South Korea
Tiroler Gemeindeverband
Innsbruck, Austria
송산동 주민센터
Julia H
주민센터를 방문하기에는 위치가 너무도 복잡하고 주차장이 있기는 하나 주차도 할 수 없고 쉽게 방문하기에는 복잡한 곳이에요
청파동 주민센터
주민센터 공간은 괜찮은 편이다
양재1동 주민센터
나름 친절하게 진행해 주셨어요
신봉동 주민센터
서비스 좋네요 감사
예산군오가면 오촌리 출발
풍산동 주민센터
Tak Ko
뭐그냥 다른 주민센터와 별 다름 없음
직원들모두 친절하세요 \u003eㅅ\u003c
상도3동 주민센터
Shiny kim
대답없는 공무원..왔냐고 말도 없고. 요청을 해도 들었다는 말도 없고. 난 열마디도 더 했는데 공무원 두마디 했다 300원이요. 큰돈이라했더니. 키드되요.. 대한민국 공무원 갑! 동장실 들어갈뻔 했다..
사당5동 주민센터
힘든거 다 아는데 너무 불친절하네요, 상냥하게 대해달라고는 안합니다, 그냥 업무적으로만 대해주세요, 없는거그냥 달라는거아닌데 화난목소리로 응답하면 무안하자나요,
신월4동 주민센터
매우 불친철한 몇명 직원들 특히 123 으로 알아보세요 이런말을하는 여성은 진짜 공무원인가요ㅡㅜ
서초3동 주민센터