Technology Tamed Limited is located in Sudbury, United Kingdom on Stour Valley Business Centre, Brundon Ln. Technology Tamed Limited is rated 5 out of 5 in the category computer support and servicesbusiness to business servicecomputer consultant centercomputer repair service in United Kingdom. Technology Tamed Limited provide computer and IT support for small and medium sized businesses in the Bury St Edmunds, Colchester, Ipswich and Sudbury area. Since 1995 we have specialised in helping businesses to manage their IT. We visit our customers regularly to ensure that their IT runs smoothly and assist with the day to day management of computers, servers and IT, acting as a part time IT technician and manager. In addition we provide technical support and back up to larger companies, helping their IT personnel with server upgrades and providing independent advice and evaluation on the best way to progress a problem or expand the companies IT systems.
Stour Valley Business Centre, Brundon Ln
Company size
1-10 employees
Sudbury, Suffolk
Service options
Online appointmentsOn-site services